From the year 1977 BDKS society has been working continuously for the welfare of the people of this Tribal area of Bastar. The World is rapidly changing in all fields like education, environment, agriculture, healthcare, media communication, Industries, etc. and opportunities of entry to such areas are really challenging the Tribal folk who are not part of such technological advancements.
During this pandemic situation it became more vulnerable and hence social work societies have a great role to empower their target groups to be updated according to the advancement of society.
BDKS is trying to support the Tribal people to empower themselves socially and economically without disturbing their cultural identity and peaceful co-existence. Through various community development activities like skill development training, awareness creation training, agriculture development supports, educational support, health awareness and checkups, BDKS is helping people to be healthy, self-reliant and economically sustainable through which they may be able to face their present life situations. ASHA ASHRAM run by BDKS is supporting, mentally and physically challenged Children to be happy and acceptable by the mainstream.
Let me wish the society every success for all such initiatives and pray for Divine blessings on all of you to do more and more creative and innovative activities for the betterment of Tribal people of Bastar.